Friday, January 7, 2011

From BSC KB with Love

cheo cheo lelong kb photoshoot

12th December 2010, On a Sunday Afternoon,
BSC from KB received an Invitation from Kuala Belait's Car show organizer to attend the cheo-cheo Lelong KB. But, one of them neglected to join them as they were first-timer to join this kind of event. so, they insisted on coming and just wander around. but they didn't realize that they're about to fall for the organizer's alibi >:)

at approximately 3pm, all 14 subies gathered around the parking lot of KB's Tudong Saji to get ready to roll to Cheo-Cheo Lelong KB. So around 4pm in the afternoon, all the subies were directed to the 1st road to the cheo-cheo lelong's entrance. so as soon as they arrived. they were insisted to fill up the form and participate the car show. so, they have no choice but to park their car and just enjoy the hot sunny day :)

at around 5.30pm, all the subies start their engine and head off to Jamalul Alam Mosque KB, as they get ready for the unplanned photoshoot till around 6pm. and here's how the pictures came out :3

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