I've found good forum from Miri Community, Maybe we can gather all the subaru owner from Miri, Sarawak and perhap BORNEO....
Back to the topics, there is a club in Miri for Subaru Owner called them self as Subaru Car Owner Club a.k.a SCOC .. so guys, feel free to join in the forum and register.. well not only Subaru .. even some of other car clubs is in the lists... so .. dont waste your time.. feel free to join us.. cya ...
Click link for direct URL Subaru Car Owner Club
Just to get interests of the forum, One of the member's ever joined the gathering in West Malaysia, and He have uploaded some pics for the all to share, Enjoy ..
Source :- Picture taken from Miri Community SCOC Club

Salute to their cars....nice n rugged...heheheeh.....white colour looks nice so apa lagi member2 bsc yg black colour atu change tia coz i saw dorang kai kits yg sama jua heheheheh....even voltex n zerosport kits pn ada dorang use...hehhehe....
ayoyo ganas
Boring chia lau semua jadi putih.. Agatah ZeroSports WRX sja paint putih. Mine will stay black :)
Interesting to see they all like GT wings :)
Nooo.. I stay Black.. love Black..looks like VIP .. hehee.. Putih mcm kebanyakkan jua
eh,white rocks man. kekeke
Remember, READING is POWER! hahahhaa... chettttt~!!!! :p
Damn I feel like I want 1 of those Voltex GT wings!!
Damn~cool~hope my ride can be like 1 of those,hehehehe~
i never expect their car ~~cool~~ like this....heehhee...thumbs up to them...so guys take more pics & videos for gathering tommorow ok...hehe hopely ur spot Type R there also....heheheh...Good luck & have a nice trip to miri tommorow...cheers
Yes ur ride can be like 1 of those so WTH are u waiting for??! Go get it done!!! hehehe..
To Casper.. Conversion from ver.8 to Ver9 kits is available at Miri.. hehe apa lagi.. wat are u waiting for???
We 'racun' him wen we're in Miri! wakakkaa~
hai,to white subaru..dono the number plate,may i no where can get side fender diffuser pls?pls email to me subaru_impreza7@yahoo.com,thanks
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